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By: Dried Persimmon Posted: December 4, 2012

Persimmons are widely enjoyed fresh, raw, dried and cooked. It is a luscious and thirst quenching tree grown berry that originally belongs to China. It is found in various shapes, sizes and colors and mostly grown in warmer climates. Its varieties are dispersed in all over the world whereas the Japan, Brazil and Korea are also native places of Persimmons. Though the China is the largest producer of dried Persimmons but California is also producing it on a large scale.

Common types of Persimmon

Commercially, there are so many types of Persimmons but the most common varieties are non-astringent and astringent. Hachiya is the heart shaped variety that is known as an astringent persimmon. It possesses an extremely high level of tannins and is bitter in taste before ripened. Fuyu is a tomato shaped type of Persimmon that is known as non-astringent Persimmon. It contains far less quantity of tannins as compare to Hachiya.

Uses of Dried Persimmon

Soft and ripe Persimmon have incomparable flavors. Due to the versatility of flavors, it can be used in muffins, breads, cakes, cookies, custards, pies and puddings. According to nutritional experts, the benefits of Persimmons are endless. They are healthier and tastier than apples. Dried Persimmon is also used in many traditional drinks, such as in Korean community “Soojunggwa”. It is supposed that when it taken after the meal, it can settle the stomach with therapeutic aroma.

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