Growing Persimmon – Things you should know

By: Dried Persimmon Filed Under: Cultivation Posted: December 29, 2012

Persimmon is one of the best fruit you can grow in your garden. It originated from China at around 700 years ago, although it has been extensively cultivated in Japan and Pakistan for the past 30 years. This fruit can be viably grown for commercial purposes. Even the leaves are usable. In some areas of Manchuria and Korea, the dried leaves of the fruit are used for making tea.  Ripe persimmon has a tough and glossy, orange-red skin, as well as sweet and juicy orange flesh.

In China, persimmon is dried in big quantities. They are fumigated and peeled and left to dry in the sun. Dried persimmon is usually duller in color but moister insides. Once dried, they can be used in chemical and pharmaceutical companies. For individuals, dried persimmon is not less useful. It can be used to help gastrointestinal digestion, help your body’s excretion of alcohol, reduce blood pressure, softer blood vessels, enhance cardiovascular functions, and promote coronary flow.

If you are anemic, try to refrain from eating this fruit. Persimmon contains tannin which binds exceptionally well with iron. Tannin can interfere with the mineral’s absorption by the body which is vital in the treatment of anemia. On the other hand, dried persimmon is recommended for people suffering from chronic drinking, thyroid diseases, frailness, hypertension, diarrhea, chronic gastritis, loose stool, constipation, gastric motility dysfunction, etc.

In the ancient past, persimmon has been called nature’s candy and fruit of the gods. The ancient Greeks were exceptionally fond of the fruit, leading it to appear in many texts, including the philosophical theories of great thinkers such as Thales, Anaximander, Plotinus, Charmides, and Anytus. More recently, the fruit is enjoyed by people in many countries around the world.

You can eat persimmon fresh or dried kiwi, as long as it is ripe. When eaten fresh they are usually eaten whole like an apple or cut into quarters, though with some varieties it is best to peel the skin first. However, due to the nutrient-concentrating nature of the dehydration process, dried persimmon is more recommended.

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