Dried Persimmon Works like Magic

By: Dried Persimmon Filed Under: Information Posted: December 6, 2012

A fruit of the Ebony wood tree, Persimmon is very bright orange in color. Commonly, it’s Japanese and Chinese varieties are dominant over European and Southwest Asian varieties. This dominance is just because of taste and content of vitamin C. The Japanese / Chinese variety tastes tangy and sweet but the European/ Southwest Asian varieties tastes like plumbs and dates. Dried Persimmon can be taken as dried fruit but it generally consumed in a fresh and raw form. It can be fermented to prepare persimmon vinegar.

General Medicinal and Health Benefits

Dried Persimmon has various medicinal and health benefits. It can be beneficial if taken regularly. Some common benefits are:

  • It is rich in lycopene and vitamin A and is a great source for antioxidants. It can promote the detoxification process of the body. It can act against the radicals, which promote the ageing.
  • Its Chinese variety is best source of vitamin C that can boost the immune system in opposition to viral infections and illnesses. Nutritional experts concluded that half cup of dried Persimmon can fulfill 50 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C in the body.
  • Its high proportion of the dietary fiber can help in the digestion process. Dried persimmon is safe for the patients of hypertension as it is low in cholesterol and fat content.

Other Benefits

Due to its medicinal and health benefits, it can replace the apple as a dried persimmon fruit is useful for cardiovascular health and can help the people who are suffering with hardening of arteries and hypertension. It can promote the function of the lungs and reduce the chance of blood clots and internal bleeding. Additionally, it has been known for the improvement of the weakening digestive system due to rich presence of potassium and fiber content. It is a very important part of the traditional medicine ofChinaand several people are using dried Persimmon as a home remedy. It can relieve persistent coughs, hiccups, constipation, hemorrhoids, and hangovers. Though, the peel of Persimmon is not taken orally, but it can be used to brighten the complexion if applied to face.

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